Our resident baller comes with a background in PR and events, the organisation skills of a wizard, and pure team spirit. She's a dab hand on the basketball court too!
😎 Nicknames
Lo, LB & Lou
🦸🏻 Superpowers
Organised, people person, neurodivergent creative thinker.
🥰 Favourite thing
I love the variety of messages I get to help share. There's always something new and interesting to learn!
🥰 Favourite thing
I love the variety of messages I get to help share. There's always something new and interesting to learn!
Meet your new marketing Team
The Brady Bunch
Look at those friendly faces, ready to make your marketing dreams come true.
Take your marketing
to the next level
Business owner? In-house marketing manager or executive? Solopreneur? Our learning hub is somewhere to pick up new tips and tricks that will take your day-to-day marketing up a gear.