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The biggest things holding back your marketing

Published by
Hannah Brady
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Ever thought you might be a bit of a marketing saboteur? We’re sure you haven’t, but today we want to highlight some of the core ways we’ve seen folks hold their marketing back! The good news is that all these situations are definitely fixable if you are willing to change things up, so consider this your marketing wake-up call… We hope you ​​enjoy!

You’re afraid to let your team build their personal brands

This is one that we see so commonly. Bosses are keen to avoid heavily promoting their team members and hold back from providing their team opportunities to raise their public profiles. Their logic is that if they do, their best team members will be poached by competitors and suddenly, all the best talent in the business is gone.

It’s understandable, but the logic doesn't actually hold up. Employees who don't feel supported by a workplace that is trying to limit their growth are more likely to jump ship and find an organisation that genuinely supports them. On top of this, employees’ personal brands are a huge marketing aide to a business! Research shows that employees have 10 times the following of their employer account, a huge difference in reach. By letting team members build their personal brands and giving them cause to talk favourably about where they work, you are bolstering your brand’s reputation and that’s hugely beneficial. It’s time to give your team members the opportunity to shine.

You’re not giving a fair budget to your marketing team

Bootstrap budgets yield bootstrap results. Marketing can sometimes be seen as an area to save costs when business is quiet, but your marketing team can't bring in new customers without a budget that supports them. Listen to your marketers; have them provide breakdowns of their costs if you need them and trust them when they say that certain efforts need more investment to be successful. If their budget robs them of their tools, they won't be able to perform.

You’re unwilling to try new and different approaches

Marketing is an ever-shifting industry, because our culture is ever-shifting! That means that it’s important stay fresh, be creative, and get innovative in order to stand out. Audiences who see the same content year after year will tune out and unfollow, so it’s vital to be open to new ideas. Be willing to test out new channels and experiment in order to remain current and competitive.

You lack data and analytics

This is for you marketing teams! So often, the biggest hurdle to our last point about an unwillingness to experiment is that you can't provide critics with the data that supports you. It’s vital to use tools that track your platforms, and log the results of your experiments. Monthly reviews are key here, as you have a recurring opportunity to check in, see what’s done well and what needs changing, instead of continuing blindly. Then when it’s time to try something new or invest in a new tool, you have data that allows you to make an informed decision.

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