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5 signs you need help with your social media

Published by
Loïs Bain
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How do you know when it’s time to reach out for support with your social media?

A question that a lot of people ask themselves whilst having years of struggling solo with their content. Of course, outsourcing anything in our businesses can be scary but it’s made a whole lot easier when you know that it’s the right thing to do. 

So today, we’re sharing a few tips on how to recognise the signs that your business would benefit from outsourcing support with your social media. With these little nuggets of advice, you can start growing, instead of struggling, and assess whether it’s time to switch things up by getting the experts in. 

Let’s get into it 👇🏼

📉 You don't know which platforms work for your audience

The worst thing about social media is that it is very easy to sink a lot of resources into platforms that your target audience doesn't use! You need to be sharing content exclusively to the platforms where your audience likes to spend their time. Sinking hours into the wrong platforms is nothing but frustrating, hard work, and demotivating. Do you feel like you’ve got no idea which apps your target audience uses? It might be time to get some support. You want to be sure that all your future content efforts will be seen by the right people.

❌ You aren't showing up consistently

Inconsistent efforts = inconsistent results. It’s reasonable to expect most businesses to be posting every week and at least a couple of times each week. If your posting schedule involves posting just a couple of times a month, it’s a sign that external support would really make a difference! Your posts should be consistent in their tone and design as well. If followers don't recognise your content immediately, professional help will be hugely beneficial.

🙅🏽‍♀️ You’re unsure how to measure and benchmark your platforms (or don't know what that means to begin with)

Measuring and benchmarking platforms will be second nature to a reputable social media specialist… but if that was all jargon to you, it’s time to get some help! Not doing this is where people find themselves struggling in the dark. Professional support will help you clearly understand what good looks like on your channels and where there is room for improvement.

👎🏼 You’re struggling to make social media a priority

Consistently find yourself forgetting to post or pushing social media to the bottom of your to-do list? Without a doubt, you are missing out on its massive potential. 60% of the world's population uses social media, with the average individual daily usage at 2 hours and 24 minutes. If you aren't showing up on social platforms regularly, you are losing out on one of the most effective marketing tools out there.

🤝 You are a small team with no marketing resource

It’s hard to get your social media up to scratch if you don't have a marketing resource to make that happen. We’ve all been in businesses where there is that one person scrapping around for content, trying to keep the business socials going, even though it’s not their day job. It’s not the one. This is where external support can transform your social media; with experts at the helm, you will quickly see a difference Vs your DIY efforts.

Found yourself nodding along to this post thinking, “oh god, we need help.” Head over to book a discovery call and let’s start a conversation that could completely turn your social media around. 

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