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From strangers to fans: 4 ways to get to know your audience better

Published by
Loïs Bain
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If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you’ll know that we are always encouraging you to create content that speaks directly to your target audience. 

Understanding who you’re talking to and what makes them tick is the secret sauce to killer marketing. When you know their their pain points and where they like to spend their time online you can quickly say goodbye to scattergun marketing

But, how do you uncover all that juicy intel? 

In today’s blog, we’ll be sharing our top tips on getting up close and personal with your audience so that you can consistently create with confidence. 

Let’s dive in!

Start with people who have bought from you before

Your best starting point is always those who’ve already trusted you enough to purchase something from your business. After all, they are your most engaged audience members. 

For service providers, it could be as simple as adding a “how did you hear about us?” to your enquiry form. A great way of seeing which channels are pulling people towards you. 

You could also set up a simple feedback form that you send after every project or around 6 months into a retainer client relationship. Ask clients why they decided they needed to work with you in the first place - this will give you insight into their pain points and biggest challenges. Or, why not offer a freebie to clients would be willing to sit down with you for a recorded post-project interview, and use the videos in your content.

If you run an in-person business, like a shop or café, train your staff members to ask customers how they came across you. Make it part of your process. Or, want them to fill out a survey? Create a QR code and frame it on the counter, offering an incentive to those who respond.

By understanding how customers discovered your brand and what their biggest challenges were prior to working with you, you can start crafting content that addresses these needs and ensure it’s shared on the channels that your ideal customers prefer.

Conduct market research to learn more deeply

First time looking into your target audience? This one is for you 👍🏼

Think about who your target audience is and create a focus group of folks who fit this category. Where possible, we’d recommend starting with people you know and maybe offering them a thank-you gift in return for their time 😊. Focus groups can be a brilliant way to get feedback on your branding and what you are selling, as well as what, where, and how frequently they’d like to hear from you. 

Running a focus group can be handy even if you have an existing audience, so don't be afraid to organise a focus group if you are planning to launch a new offering and would love to hear feedback before you dive in. This safe space will help you understand any limitations or blind spots you haven't spotted yet. It’s often quite exciting for your focus group to be the first customers involved too. Who doesn’t like that VIP feeling?! 😉Again, a gift (potentially some merch or an introductory offer) is a great way to make the most of having this engaged group at your fingertips!

Look at your analytics

We hear it all the time, “I don’t really know my audience…” But guess what? You’ve probably got a goldmine of data just waiting to be tapped into. Social media platforms and analytics tools give you a surprising amount of info on the age, gender, and location of your audience, as well as which content they’ve engaged with, and what their roles are. Essential info that can help you decide when to post, which locations to tag or mention, and which content to recycle or recreate.

You can also create impressively targeted ads with these insights. This kind of data is also perfect for creating surveys and getting vital feedback. We don’t praise them often but Meta’s ad service in particular is brilliant for reaching a specific audience. 

One for those of you who aren’t quite as into the numbers - we recommend doing a monthly review of your content so that you can understand what’s performed well and what hasn't. Being really engaged with your content analytics is a great way to understand what your audience wants to see more of and what they aren’t loving.

Test and adjust your strategies

Lastly, don't be afraid to experiment!  

Some channels make this a breeze, such as A/B testing through your newsletter provider. Others might need a bit more elbow grease but trust us, the results will be well worth it.

Curious as to whether your audience prefers videos or graphics to promote your podcast? Try both and see how the engagement fairs. Not sure what length of blog your audience prefers? Try a variety over a few months and see which have more hits.

You’ll never hear us critique anybody for being agile and adaptable with their marketing. 

It’s part of the process, your audience will never get bored, and if monitoring things properly, you’ll soon have a confident picture of what your audience enjoys and where they like to absorb it. Winner winner 😁


Feel ready to get stuck in with your audience research but don’t want to do it alone? 

We’ve got you 👍🏼

Book a discovery call to chat with our experienced team, they’d be happy to help.

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